Monday, December 1, 2008

45 Factoids about me...
Hard to believe, but this year was my 45th year here on Earth...
So, in honor of my 45th, Here are 45 facts about me.
1.  I can never remember what city I was born in.  Anaheim or Orange.
2.  I met my husband 10 years before we got married.
3.  I knew he was the guy for me after spending less than 15 days together.  
4.  I knew I was in love because he was the first boyfriend that I could follow.
5.  My paternal grandparents were Mexicans and my maternal grandparents were Irish.
6.  My eyes are hazel- mostly green and my dad only learned that about me about 5 years ago.
7.  My grandma died about a month before she turned 100.
8.  I am a 3rd generation Anaheim educator.
9.  I am a 4th generation college graduate. 
10.  I love to write.
11.  When I was 16 I read the book I'm Out to Change the World by Ann Kiemel and she changed my life.  I decided I wanted to be like her... (someday I'll finish my book)
12.  I would have loved to pursue a career acting Shakepeare.
13.  I smoked for 10 years.
14.  I started to love studying the Bible when I was in High School.  I was challenged to get to know it better, and I just started to hunger for it.  
15.  I am a Laker's fan, but I have to love them from a distance or they seriously become an idol!
16.  I swam on the Placentia Swim Team (for about a week)... I had to quit due to swimmer's ear.
17.  I was saved at a backyard Bible club when I was 5.  It made sense.  I prayed the prayer many times before I believed it took.  I stopped when I was about 6 or 7 because it was the first time that I prayed it with someone else there to witness it.  
18.  I played on the championship volleyball team when I was in 6th grade.  
19.  I was the biggest tomboy EVER!  Skateboarding was my thing.
20.  I grew up in a Baptist Church.  
21.  I love to sing, but I can't do it well.  
22.  I'm self diagnosed A.D.D...  If you talk to me in a place with too many distractions, I seriously can't pay attention no matter how hard I try.
23.  I didn't really know what it was to walk with Jesus until I was 15. 
24.  I love frogs.
25.  When I was in High school, I didn't have any girlfriends, only male friends.  
26.  My dream job would be to be a detective.  
27.  I am married to a Spanish speaker but I don't speak Spanish very well, therefore, the first year we were married, I didn't talk much to my husband.
28.  My paternal grandpa was/is my hero.  
29.  My brother and I were roommates for awhile while we were in college.  We went to the same college, and worked for the same company.  We thought so much alike we were scary!
30.  It took me more than 10 years to graduate from college.
31.  I wanted to major in art in college but it didn't seem practical, but I took every art class that Fullerton College offered- some more than once. 
32.  I am afraid of heights and small places.  When I see movies that show either, I feel it in the pit of my stomach and I get sweaty palms.  
33.  I get car sick and sea sick. 
34.  I have a terrible memory.
35.  My favorite food is enchiladas.
36.  My drink of choice is Diet Coke.
37.  I am a cop show junkie.
38  I love to cook, but never have time.
39.  I love to be the hostess.
40.  I hate gardening.
41.  I love driving.
42.  I love going places I have never been but it scares the pants off of me.
43.  I love the night sky.
44.  If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a big bird, (eagle or pelican)... kind of funny from a girl that can't handle heights.  
45.  When I have dreams about flying, it scares me.  


God's Girl said...

Well... Happy 45th Birthday my sweet friend!

I love reading these 45 things about you. I didn't know you loved frogs. Real ones?

I love you!

Susanz Place said...

frogs - GROSS!!!!
but i suppose you really did kiss alot of them before you found your prince ;0)

Happy Birthday Girl!!!

My Blessed Life said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Auntie Karen
Happy Birthday to you

We love and miss you lots