I was reading Tammy's blog and I liked her idea of listing reasons for Thanksgiving.
I am not the most faithful of bloggers- I find it hard to find the time.... so I am going to list my 30 reasons (one for each day of November).
1. I am thankful that Jesus chose me, that He loves me, that He is a faithful God and that no matter what- I am in His hands... safe and secure for eternity.
2. I am thankful that some day, I will be face to face with My Savior, My Lord, and My Friend.
3. I am thankful for my husband. He is my love and my friend.
4. I am thankful for my family. It isn't always easy, but they love me.
5. I am thankful for my friends. I have many faithful friends that near or far, are there for me.
6. I am especially thankful for those that are both, friends and family.
7. I am thankful for my "niece and nephews." They are connected to my heart even though we don't share the same "blood line." Aaron, Hannah, and Josh- I love you all.
8. I am thankful for my home. I love my little house and I love that I live in Orange County, and am exceptionally glad that it is still standing.
9. I am thankful for my job. I love teaching. It is who I am. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't teach.
10. I am thankful for my experiences. For better or worse, they have been a part of God's shaping me into His daughter.
11. I am thankful for my car. It gets me where I need to go and doesn't break the bank every time I have to fill it up.
12. I am thankful for the things that I have learned in life: to cook, to read, to write, to paint, to draw... just wish I had learned how to clean!
13. I am thankful for my students. Not just those in my class this year, but those that have touched my life in the last 10 years I have been teaching!
14. I am thankful for my memories... because I sure don't remember things the way I used to.
15. Speaking of memories, I am thankful for my diet coke -even if it is breaking down my memories.
16. I am thankful for my churches, and my pastors. Past and present. I have been amazingly blessed to sit before some great teaching. In 40ish years of attending church I have only had 2 that I called my home... and they were both the best!
17. I am thankful for the Christian colleagues that God has placed in my path in the many years that I have been employed- starting with my first job when I was 16.
18. I am thankful for the way that God meets our needs. It isn't always the way we want, but it is always the way we need!
19. I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given me to be in ministry. Working in the Women' s studies under Sandra, working in the Children's ministry under Julie, and working (so long ago) in the youth ministry under Terry. I have learned many invaluable lessons that I carry with me.
20. Though I miss outside ministry, I am thankful for my current ministry- serving my husband. It is the place that God has me, and I can accept it with gladness.
21. I am thankful that it will be cold again soon.
22. Though I live with a longing in my heart to be in Heaven with my Heavenly Husband, I am thankful for my life.
23. I am thankful for the many women that have been my teachers, mentors, leaders, and examples. I appreciate the time and effort that they have poured into my life. I feel like the most blessed woman to have sat below, with, and along-side these women. Mrs. Brostrom, Gigi, Robin, Mindy, Jean L., My cousin Debi, Ann Boyett, Peggy, Sandra, and Julie are just some of the women that were ministry leaders for me and that taught me so much about God's love and living to please Him.
24. I am thankful for the many forms of communication that we have to keep in touch with those we love.
25. I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given me, especially as I look at the lives of my students, who all recieve free lunches, whose families share houses and apartments with multiple families, whose parents work two jobs, whose families have to hide from immigration, who can't afford to go on family vacations, who have never eaten at a "fancy" restaurant, gone to the beach, gone to the movies, or gone to Disneyland. Who live in gang infested neighborhoods where they see and experience things I wouldn't have even been able to imagine when I was there age...
26. I am thankful for the gift of time.
27. I am thankful for my "old" high school friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Who walked with me when I was a new Christian. Who taught me what real Christianity looked like and sounded like. I am thankful for the laughs that we shared and for the smiles that come to my face even right now as I remember the great times.
28. I am thankful for Ron Pixler... it was at his prompting that I start studying the Bible. It was his challenge that started my love affair with God's Word.
29. Which reminds me, I am thankful for the Word of God... the light to my path!
30. I am thankful to be a wife- most of the time. I am thankful for my many friends that were married before me, and that taught me what it meant to be a wife.
31. I am thankful once again for the fact that Jesus will never leave me, nor forstake me, and that even though I am many times faithless... He is always faithful.
OKay, so I went over 30...
Thank you for posting I enjoyed reading all of your thanks. Don't wait so long to post again. I love and miss you.
You can never have too many thankful posts! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading about you, my friend. Did I mention that I miss you?
K... keep me more up to date with the things you are learning with the lord. K?
Oh, did I mention that I miss you?
Wow Karen... thank you for blogging. I can't begin to tell you how I felt to see my name. I have never felt like I ministered to you girls the way I could have. You are loved. Terry and I smiled as I read your blog and memories returned.
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