When Osmel told me he wanted to go visit his family in Cuba during the Christmas/New Year holiday, I was thinking- hey cool, time alone when I am on vacation. I was thinking of all the things that I could do. But things didn't work out like I had hoped and as the time is drawing to a close, I am realizing how desperately I miss my husband... I have been feeling this horrible sense of fear and deep sadness while he has been gone that I haven't undestood. Then I talked to him tonight and I realized that missing him was more a part of it than I thought it was. I don't think it is the whole picture, but I do think that it is a big part. God in His sovreignty saw it fit for none of the things that I hoped to happen did, none of the friends that I had hoped to visit with were able, and I spent the majority of the three weeks alone. Hmm... when God decides that He wants our attention, He will use every means necessary to get it!!
I will say that the expression, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," is very true. The fun part of having him gone is that it was like before he came, I got a love email almost every day. And tonight, when I talked to him after almost 2 full weeks, it made me so happy, I hadn't felt that in awhile!
i was just gonna email you and ask if he was home - love it's a crazy thing that's for sure
i'm so glad you had this awareness come to you during this time - God is ever so sweet - i must say i sort of covet the alone time thing
Awe... isn't that a funny thing? We think we want time alone and then we miss our husbands like crazy!
Happy homecoming : )
Love you friend!
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