I have a student whose name is Jim. That's not the real name, but that is what I will call him. In my mostly hispanic class, Jim is the only student that is caucasion. Jim struggles with learning. Jim also struggles with behavior and struggled being kind with his peers. And to be totally honest, I struggled with Jim. It was hard to be loving, it was hard to pour out my heart to him, but I saw early on, that he needed attention and praise. I have met Jim's parents, and it is clear, that Jim is not the priority of his parents. Jim is working with another teacher, and the two of us decided that we were going to do all we could to transform Jim. Give him an opportunity to shine. I have to admit, that it wasn't my idea, but I saw the need and I knew that it could work. So I decided to love him, to praise him, and to give him some extra touches, extra eye to eye looks, and just a little bit more attention. Between the other teacher and me, we were praising Jim for every little thing he did. "Wow Jim, I love the way you hold your pencil." We also worked very hard to make sure that Jim's parents knew that he was valuable. That he could do it. That he was worthwhile.
I know you know what is coming... Jim changed. Jim is kinder to his peers. Jim tries harder to do well in school. Jim is learning. Jim is growing. Jim is being transformed by love. Who can you transform with God' love?
You go JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO a teacher who chooses to make a difference I wish they all thought like you.
I love how the Lord gives you such awesome object lessons. You are doing an awsome job representing Jesus.
Great post. Thanks for sharing!!!
You guys are my biggest fans!!
Love you all
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