Thursday, June 26, 2008

Are You Still Married?

I recently ran into someone that I hadn't seen in awhile. One of the first questions that came out of her mouth was, "Are you still married?" The next one, "Are you still happy?"
About a year ago, Osmel had to get a physical as part of the hiring process for a new job. When the doctor came in, he asked Osmel how he was doing, asked about his life, asked about his wife... and it became increasingly obvious that this man knew us. Osmel didn't remember meeting him, so he asked him, "Do you know me?" It turned out, the man went to the same church we attend. He was somewhat new to the congregation, and he told Osmel that though he had never met us, he knew of us. Someone had not long prior to that day, shared our story with him... so our story was fresh in his mind. When Osmel came back to the car, he related the story of what had just happened, and we were reminded again- People are watching us.
Osmel and I realized a long time ago, that we are a testimony. A testimony of God's timing and we are living, breathing proof, that His plans for us are good. We try to keep it the front of our mind. We feel a sense of responsibility knowing that our lives are on display.

Before we were married, when our story was just unfolding before us, and as God was bringing us together, I realized that I had an arranged marriage. It was an arrangement made by my Father, and by Osmel's Father. That is, our Heavenly Father. It was an arrangement that was meant to benefit all. It was arranged because of love- Our Father's love for us. We understand that not everyone gets it. We don't always get it either. And I'm not saying that our life is without problems, or without fights, or without unhappiness. We go through the ringer just like all couples. The good times are good, the hard times are hard, but God's faithfulness to us during the prewedding times, gave us something not all couples get- assurance. We knew 100% (and still do) that this was God's perfect will for our life. That He wanted us together. And what God wants, God gets!


God's Girl said...

Oh... I'm so glad that you posted pictures. That's my favorite part : )

Praying for you girl! Oh... thank you for the message you left me. It was so nice to hear your voice!

I'm looking forward to seeing you! The way time flies, you will be here in a snap!

I love you and I miss you too!

My Blessed Life said...

Thanks for the pictures but where are you? I am glad you can see God's hand in all of this it's so nice when we can see God working.

God's Girl said...

Wow! It was great to see you!!! I have really missed you! Your laughter is so fun! I enjoyed laughing with you and catching up a bit too. Thanks for remembering me on my birthday! I loved the gifts. Thank you!

Love to you and to Osmel too!