For the first time in quite a few years, I actually know that I have a job before the school year ends. AND, I don't have to move. I don't have to change classrooms, change tracks, change grades, or change schedules. Everything except the students will stay the same. I am looking forward to a visit in Arizona- mark your calendars and let's schedule lunch! I want to be there for Hannah's birthday so July 26 will be the target date, I just don't know how much time before or after.
I also am looking forward to visiting my aunt in Oregon. This is a tentative trip cuz gas is so expensive and she lives in the northern part. But hopefully, my mom and I will go up and visit a few places on the way up or back. Finally, we're hoping to get a few days (Osmel, my dad, and I-- and probably my brother-in-law) in Southern Utah- we like to go fishing and just relax. It is one of the prettiest places on earth and it is a trip I really love. Gotta spend as much time with my dad as I can- he just turned 72 and I am realizing more each day that the time here is short and precious.
Finally, this summer I hope to get some reorganizing done and paint at least 2 of the bedrooms and create an office. I have so much stuff!
Well, in a pefect world, those are my summer plans. We'll see how much I get done.
sounds to me that all that list is perfect for a honey-do and a bro-in-law list - - just a little bit of wisdom from this ol'gal
Hey Susan did you see Karen posted again? Tell Julie.
Hi Karen, I found you blog on someone elses! How are you? If you go up to Or. you can always come to Chico!! --Sheri
God answered our prayers from years ago. It was all in His perfect timing!!!
I am so glad for you!
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