I journal regularly, and I have off and on since I was about 16. I find that it is useful in so many ways. My journal is a source of meditation. I can read a passage of scripture, then think about it and meditate upon it through my writing. Journaling is also a way to pray focused prayers. I can write letters to God to tell Him about my deepest feelings, sharing my praises and my prayer requests with Him in a clear, and focused manner. Journaling can also be a way to store memories; writing about how I feel and the things that I have done and experienced. Finally, my journal can be a safe place to vent. A place that I can write about the frustrations and tribulations of everyday life. I can go and verbally vomit in my journal and it helps to flush away all those negative feelings.
I know that many people see blogging as an online journal, and with that, they feel freedom to express whatever they want because it is their personal and private space. But it isn't. Especially if people you know are reading your blog.
We need to be careful about what we say in cyberspace.
As I am writing, I am thinking about the people that will read this blog and I chuckle to myself because you all know it... but I see this sight as practice for writing "The Book." So sorry if I get a little preachy :)
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